AR/VR 디스플레이 광 계측 시스템
각도 조절 없이 넓은 영역을 한번에 측정
LMK 얼라인먼트 패턴을 사용하여 정확한 측정 위치 설정
측정 결과를 시각화 하여 가상이미지의 화질 평가를 한눈에 파악 가능
- Focus operation
TTNED 40 : Manually controlled focus (MFL)
TTNED 40 Autofocus :Electronically controlled focus (AFL)
- Focal length
TTNED 40 : 40mm
TTNED 40 Autofocus : 40mm
- Focal power
TTNED 40 : 0 dpt. to + 2 dpt.
TTNED 40 Autofocus : - 5 dpt. to + 10 dpt.
- Focus distance
TTNED 40 : > 500 mm to infinity
TTNED 40 Autofocus : > 100 mm to infinity
- Entrance pupil position
TTNED 40 : at aperture cap position at the tip of the lens
TTNED 40 Autofocus : at aperture cap position at the tip of the lens
- Entrance pupil diameter
TTNED 40 : 2 – 6 mm pinhole diameter of the aperture cap
(< 2.5 mm diffraction limited) -
TTNED 40 Autofocus : 2 – 6 mm pinhole diameter of the aperture cap
(< 2.5 mm diffraction limited)
- Field of view (total)
TTNED 40 : LMK 6-12: ≈ 21.2° (H) × 14.8° (V)
LMK 6-30: ≈ 30° (H) × 26.4° (V) -
TTNED 40 Autofocus : LMK 6-12: ≈ 21.2° (H) × 14.6° (V)
LMK 6-30: ≈ 30° (H) × 26.2° (V)
- Length of lens body
TTNED 40 : ≈ 393.5 mm
TTNED 40 Autofocus : ≈ 382 mm
- Diameter of lens body
TTNED 40 : ≈ 35 mm at entrance pupil position
≈ 50 mm approx. 117 mm behind lens tip -
TTNED 40 Autofocus : ≈ 35 mm at entrance pupil position
≈ 60 mm approx. 198 mm behind lens tip
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